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Practical Tips for Denture Wearers

Wes Bryant

If you have arrived at the time in your life where you have to wear dentures, just know that it doesn’t have to be daunting. When you follow the right advice, it can be a smooth transition and a very pleasing experience. Whether you are new to dentures or have been wearing them for a while, looking after them properly is the key to comfort, health, longevity and confidence.

Clean Your Dentures Daily

Just like natural teeth, dentures require regular cleaning to prevent plaque buildup and oral infections- it’s a given yet often overlooked. So try and use a non-abrasive denture cleanser and a soft-bristled brush to clean your dentures daily. Try and avoid the use of normal toothpaste as it might be too strong and they can create tiny scratches where bacteria can grow- you don’t want that. Rinse your dentures after each meal to remove food particles and keep them fresh and shiny- it’s a discipline worth doing for the longevity of your dentures.

Soak Your Dentures Overnight

When you soak your dentures overnight in a denture solution you create a sure way to keep them moist and maintain their shape. This also helps to disinfect the dentures, decreasing the risk of infections. Just remember to use a solution specifically designed for dentures to avoid damage.

Ensure a Proper Fit

With time, your gums and bones can change, causing your dentures to become loose. Loose dentures can be uncomfortable, leading to sores and difficulty in eating and speaking. Regular check-ups to the dentist can determine if a client is needed.

Use the Right Material

One of the most effective solutions for loose dentures is using chairside soft denture reline material. This material can be applied quickly and easily by your dentist, providing a comfortable and perfect fit. The soft reline material is gentle on your gums, reducing irritation and improving comfort and it is helpful for those with sensitive gums or new to wearing these dentures.

Your Diet

Adjusting your diet can help you adapt to wearing dentures more comfortably. Start with soft foods and gradually introduce harder foods as you become more used to your dentures. Cut your food into smaller pieces and chew slowly to prevent discomfort. Avoid any sticky or hard foods that can damage your dentures.

Practice Speaking with Your Dentures

When you start to wear your dentures you’ll notice that speaking with them can feel odd at first, but practice makes perfect. Spend some time reading aloud or chatting with family and friends to get used to the feel of your dentures- and in no time you’ll forget that you have them.

Handle with Care

Dentures are delicate and can break if dropped so when handling them, do so over a sink filled with water or a soft towel to cushion the fall in case they slip from your hands- it’s scary how easily accidents can happen.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important even when you wear dentures. So remember to clean your gums, tongue, and any remaining teeth with a soft-bristled brush or gauze pad to remove plaque and stimulate circulation.

Stay Positive and Patient

Adjusting to dentures takes time and patience so you have to be kind to yourself in this process. It’s perfectly normal to experience some discomfort and challenges at the start, but these will decline as you get used to your new teeth- and in no time you’ll not even remember the original pair you had. Stay positive and give yourself time to adapt and remember, many people wear dentures successfully and lead fulfilling lives with them- so can you. And by following these practical tips, you can ensure that your dentures remain comfortable, functional, and in good condition.

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