Bridging the Gap - Health Equity for all

How High Stress Levels Can Affect Your Health

Wes Bryant

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. From deadlines and traffic jams to minor disagreements, stress is an unwelcome companion that lurks just below the surface. While moderate amounts can serve as motivational forces, excessive and chronic stress levels can become like ticking time bombs for both the body and mind. Not only leading to anxiety and depression symptoms but also often contributing to less well-known health conditions that arise due to high stress levels.

Stress Can Lead to Hypertension

When we feel threatened, our bodies instinctively go into "fight or flight" mode, an evolutionary relic passed down from our primitive ancestors who needed to flee from saber-toothed tigers. Though today you might only face less threatening threats, your heartbeat quickens and blood vessels constrict, temporarily raising blood pressure, but long-term hypertension will significantly increase risks such as heart disease and stroke, further increasing mental strain.

Digestive Disasters

Have you noticed how stress affects your stomach? Functional gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have all been linked with high stress levels. Stress alters the gut-brain axis, which controls how your stomach and intestines operate, resulting in symptoms ranging from acid reflux and bloating to more serious digestive issues. So if your stomach seems off balance, it might be wiser to reconsider how stress affects you, reassessing it all before making decisions regarding its levels.

Immune System Sabotage

Chronic stress has an unseen danger: its ability to weaken your immune system. Although stress hormones like cortisol may help manage emergency situations, their constant presence wears down your defense mechanisms over time and leaves you more susceptible to infections, slower at healing wounds, and less effective at fighting diseases. Like having an overwhelmed security guard letting in unwanted guests.

Tinnitus Trouble

Stress can be one of the primary triggers of tinnitus, increasing both its intensity and persistence. Your body's fight-or-flight response heightens awareness of tinnitus when under stress. This may make its presence even more noticeable and persistent than before. Stress amplifies tinnitus symptoms, and the tinnitus itself increases your stress. Over time, constant ringing can interfere with concentration, disrupt sleep patterns, and lead to a decreased overall quality of life. If you are hearing mysterious noises, stress management techniques could be an effective solution to reduce their intensity. Tinnitus treatment solutions may also be available, so do not hesitate to look for help from healthcare professionals if necessary.

Stress Can Lead to Skin Deep Issues 

Unsurprisingly, stress has an adverse affect on our skin too. Acne, eczema, and psoriasis may worsen when exposed to constant strain. Chronic stress triggers inflammation that increases oil production in your pores, leading to breakouts, adding insult to injury for anyone already feeling overwhelmed.


Although stress is an inevitable aspect of life, it's important that it's recognized and managed before it starts affecting your health in negative ways. High stress levels are more than just an emotional burden. They can contribute to physical issues ranging from heart disease and digestive ailments to skin conditions. So the next time you find yourself overwhelmed, take a minute or two to relax deeply, breath deeply, and explore ways of managing it effectively. Your mind, body and skin will thank you.

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