Astrology with Sonja Francis: New Moon in Taurus

Learn about this sensual energy & all of its gifts!

Join Sonja as she shares about the next Lunar cycle:

* New Moon in 18º of TAURUS (exact on May 7th, 2024 at 11:22pm EDT)

* The New Moon sextiles Saturn in PISCES 

* The New Moon aligns with Venus, Uranus & Jupiter in TAURUS!

Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 16-20 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, or Aquarius?

👉 To read Sonja’s article on: How to set New Moon Intentions, click here

👉 To join her mailing list, click here

Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus - this 95 minute webinar is ON SALE right now!
Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus - this 95 minute webinar is ON SALE right now!

👉 Get Sonja's webinar: "Jupiter-Uranus in TAURUS -- A New Cycle Begins", click here

Also, don't forget to SAVE this DATE: MAY 17th!

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Hot Astrology Friday -- Get the latest news and tips... in short: how Astrology can make your life more manageable!

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