Soulivity Featured Artist: Mora Ibarra

Soulivity Featured Artist: Mora Ibarra

This week, Soulivity Magazine is pleased to feature visual artist, illustrator, and jeweler Mora Ibarra!

What's in a face? There can be joy, peace, calm, and pain.  Since we are multi-faceted beings, our face expressions can be a doorway to the Soul.  Mora is an artist who captures the essence of these feelings and emotions within her artwork.  Through her insights, we are able to go deeper and learn from the wisdom which resides.

(For full-size photos, please click on image to enable the lightbox)

[envira-gallery id="4040"]

Mora Ibarra is a visual artist, illustrator, and jeweler. Born and based in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, Mora creates beautifully unique artwork and illustrations which capture the insights from the soul.

Make sure to follow her on his website and social media:

Website: Mora Ibarra

Facebook: Mora Ibarra

Instagram: Mora Ibarra

Twitter: Mora Ibarra

Soulivity Magazine