The Truth About Saving for Future Expenses

The Truth About Saving for Future Expenses

Whether you've just landed your first full-time job or are looking to retire soon, there are probably a bunch of future expenses that are on your mind. Perhaps you're looking to pay for your child's college tuition, or maybe you're thinking much further ahead by setting aside money for a funeral. No matter what stage of life you're at, there are some important truths that you need to know about saving for future expenses.

In this post, we'll be taking a look at some of the best advice you'll get to help you save money and keep it held for important expenses.

Saving is a long-term goal

It sounds obvious when you think of it now, but a lot of people believe saving money to be something you do temporarily. However, the truth is that you need to start changing the way you think about money if you want to actually save it. For example, small expenses like a coffee in the morning might not seem like much when compared to your salary. But add up the number of coffees you buy over the course of a month and you'll start to see just how much money you're spending on things that could be swapped out.

In other words, start taking care of your money and develop more frugal habits. Saving for a future expense like a memorial funeral home or college tuition is going to be expensive, and you need to build up healthy money habits if you want to not just save up for them, but have extra to account for additional expenses.

Saving should be proportional to your income

The amount of money you make should affect the amount of money you save. Some people try to save a set percentage of their wages every month to grow their savings, while others only save what they have remaining before their next payday.

But this advice goes both ways. If you're currently not earning as much as you're used to, then you shouldn't beat yourself up because you're not meeting your savings targets. Don't push yourself to a point where the majority of your wages are going into savings, leaving nothing left for you to use on basic creature comforts.

You may want to consider setting up a side hustle or looking at different ways to earn money if you want to save more each month. This could include selling unwanted items or even taking on extra hours at work. This way, you'll be earning more money which can translate into more savings.

Savings don't always need a goal

It's a good idea to start saving money purely out of habit instead of having a goal for it. Sure, it's worth planning ahead to help pay for future expenses, but having emergency reserves can also be a good idea. You might be hit with unexpected bills and repair costs, or you might come across a great deal for something which requires you to break open the piggy bank.

In short, start saving money for the sake of saving money, and not just because you have a long-term goal in mind.

Soulivity Magazine