How Bad Weather on Vacation Can Ruin It

Here's some tips on unexpected events which could setback your long awaited trip.
How Bad Weather on Vacation Can Ruin It
Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava:

Bad weather on vacation is the last thing you need. Of course, there are other things that can go wrong, but most things can be controlled. But not the weather. From road closures causing travel chaos to flood warnings from storms, here are some severe weather warnings.

Flights and Other Travel Can be Canceled

The weather can affect a wide area when it really wants to, and this can cause all kinds of delays on public transport. Buses, trains, and, of course, planes. Flying in bad weather is dangerous, and airports are right to cancel flights in severe storms. But this means delays to your well-earned vacation. There isn't much you can do about it, but you can use services like Generali travel insurance to take the fight to the weather and claim back up to 100%.

Expect Many Road Closures

Driving is also dangerous when the weather is more severe than usual. Of course, the roads are slippery because of flood plains or even ice. But there are also other issues that come with storms, such as lightning, falling trees, and flash flooding from groundwater and burst pipes. The latter of which caused the deaths of two people recently in Liverpool, UK. So, it can happen anywhere. So expect road closures if you are driving, and make contingency plans for it.

Bad Weather on Vacation Can Cause Evacuation

Severe storms can come quicker than people expect. They are usually tracked by meteorologists, but the weather patterns can change at the drop of a hat. When this happens, it is often best to evacuate an area to keep people safe. Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots in the world. But even traveling for business, you can expect storms and hurricanes around once every three years, and these always warrant immediate mandatory evacuations.

The Rising Threat of Floods

There are all kinds of knock-on issues from severe weather. One of the most dangerous is flooding. Flooding, as it's least threatening, is an annoyance and can cause minor damage to homes. At its worst, entire villages can be swept away. If there is a flood warning or floods happening while on vacation, expect to have to move somewhere else, have flights canceled, or have your vacation dropped entirely. This is bad news, but it's all for everyone's safety after all.

You Simply Can't Have Fun

There are times when you can be at your vacation destination only to find safety measures in place. Using Florida as an example again, it isn't uncommon for the huge theme parks there to close when the weather picks up. And this can last for days, meaning potentially half your vacation can be ruined. You basically won't get to do all the fun things you had planned. It helps to make a weather plan for such an event so you can at least work around it in some way.


Flight and travel cancellations can be caused by bad weather on vacation. But in more severe cases, you may also be evacuated from an area because of storms. At the very least, you may not be able to get around to doing all the fun things you had planned while you were away.

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