6 Hobbies and Skills That Can Make Great Careers

Yes, you can do what you love and make a very good living.
6 Hobbies and Skills That Can Make Great Careers
Photo by Designecologist: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-pink-cardigan-and-white-shirt-leaning-on-the-wall-975657/

Research by Zippia showed that while 65% of people are happy with their job roles, only 20% are passionate about what they do for a living, with remote workers being the most satisfied with their careers.

But what are your options if you are unhappy with your career? It isn't always as easy as finding a new job role, especially when you have bills to pay or a family to support. But do you really want to be stuck in a job that isn't what you want to be doing or fills you with dread?

If you want to feel happy to go to work instead of wishing it was the weekend all over again, it can be worth investing in your career to find out exactly what it is that you want to be doing and what will make you happy.

One place to look at is what you enjoy doing in your spare time or what you find you are good at and get satisfaction from doing. If you need to find ways to kickstart your career or find a new one, this post looks at some hobbies that can make great careers.


Suppose you have an eye for images and love to snap away at different things you come across, be it nature, people, pets, or the world around you. In that case, photography can be an ideal career for you, from becoming a wedding photographer, portrait photographer, press photographer, sports photographer, forensic photographer, and many more. There are a wealth of job roles to help you create a new career. Try your hand using different cameras and settings, take a few courses, or Learn More about how to use drones for photography to elevate your images and push your skill set. From here, you can take practice perfecting your skills, learn how to edit correctly, and generally brush up on new advances in the world of photography to boost your career options.

6 Hobbies and Skills That Can Make Great Careers
Elevate Your Hobby to the Next Level Right Now


If your passion lies within music, why not see how you can pursue a career in the music industry? There are a variety of career options you can choose from, including songwriter, singer, producer, teacher, music therapist, instrument technician, composer, event manager, and so many more. If it's a viable career you are after, you need to look past the bright lights of the stage and dreams of being “found” and find an aspect of music that you can dive into and become an expert at to help you build a new career around.

Music enriches so many people's lives in different ways; let it do the same for you by giving your passion an outlet and providing you with increased career satisfaction.

Building a successful career in the arts requires dedication and the ability to see opportunities beyond the conventional paths. Take, for example, Travis Preston of CalArts, whose innovative approach to theater and performance has not only earned him acclaim but also transformed the way performing arts are taught and appreciated. His career trajectory exemplifies how blending passion with innovative thinking can lead to influential roles in education and the arts.


Writing is a skill that doesn't come naturally to many people but can afford those to whom it does a great range of career options. Whether you have a love for writing or reading, a career in literacy and creative writing can open many doors for you. From trying your hand at writing a book (apparently 81% of people want to write a book but most sadly never will) to becoming a publisher, writing a blog, becoming a journalist, technical writer, copywriter, editor, proofreader, and more, those with a flair for the written word can find the perfect career within the industry to put their skills to good use.


The global fitness industry is worth a staggering $96.7 billion right now, with projections seeing this figure rise to over $35 billion in the coming years. While it might seem like every man, woman, and dog is a fitness influencer online, it doesn't mean you can't put your passion for fitness to good use and train to become a qualified personal trainer. From working with private clients on a one-to-one basis, opening a gym, developing supplements and powders for fitness enthusiasts to use, becoming a fitness coach or even nutritionist, you can find an excellent and most likely future-proof career thanks to your love of working out and passion for staying fit and healthy.


Around 1,000 new home-based food businesses are registered each year in the US. While there are many laws surrounding making and selling food from your home, there are also viable career options for cooking enthusiasts to be able to sell their wares to others. 

And it doesn't matter if you have qualifications or are self-taught; as long as you follow the legal guidelines and permits for home baking businesses in your state, you can make anything you wish if people are buying it! One area of cooking that seems to be taking off right now is the prepped meals industry, where people create healthy, balanced meals others can simply reheat and eat at a later date. This allows others to reduce the need for food shopping and thinking of meals to cook that are healthy, filling, and nutritious. Alternatively, you can cater parties and events, put together charcuterie boards for groups, sweet tables, make baked goods, jams, and so on. The choice is yours!


If you have a knack for organizing and getting things done, you can become a virtual assistant for anyone anywhere in the world. The best part is that you don't need to limit yourself to just one thing. You can use your skills and hobbies to help you help others and earn a living at the same time. Just look at what you are good at and see if there is a demand for people paying for these services; if so, you can market your own business and help others to get their lives or businesses under control.

Finding the right career path for you can happen at any time in your life; there isn't a right or wrong time to decide that you want to spend your working life doing something that you love. These hobbies are excellent places to start when it comes to looking for the right career for you and can give you all the inspiration you need to get things moving in the right direction.

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